The Central Library of the Sai Rajeswari institute of Technology (SRIT) was
established in the year 2009.The library has a rich collection of Books, National and International Journals, Technical and other Magazines, CD ROMs on different engineering subjects. This Library follows open access system; student & faculty library card based circulation process and OPAC Literature Search. The college central library timings during working days is from 9.00 AM – 4.00 PM. The central Library in the college provides facilities to edify the research for faculty /students for seeding research work.
Digital Library: Online access to the e-resource of the Digital Library portals of IEEE, ASME, DELNET,Mc-Grawhill. These e-resources are IP enabled, can be accessed anywhere in the campus.
Reprographic services: Library offers reprographic services by Cannon IR 4525 photo copier and Laser printers
NPTEL resources: (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning resources (NPTEL)) material of CSE, CE, ME, EEE, ECE, Basic science and Humanities can be accessed through 18 Core i3 computers.
Working hours : All working Days: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
1. Give details in membership form available at Library circulation counter.
2. Hand over at circulation counter.
3. Keep 2 stamp size photographs ready.
4. Borrower’s Books (Pass Book) will be issued to issue/return the library books
1. For renewal books must be brought to the circulation counter in the person. To avoid overdue charges (Re.1/- per day) books should be return before the due date mentioned on the date slip
2. The reader should check the book thoroughly for missing pages, chapters, pictures etc, while borrowing the book.
3. No book in the damage condition will be accepted from the reader mutilated or spoiled books will have to the replaced by the borrower.
4. Once books issued can’t be returned back on the same day.
1. Damage or loss of books must be reported immediately, for the rules for replacement of loss book kindly contact the circulation section.
2. If any book damage or loss the concerned shall be liable to submit the latest edition of book
3.Any tampering or removal of the barcode label will result in s fine of Rs.10/-
1. Users must keep their belongings in the pigeon-hole racks provided at the entrance however a note book/calculator may be allowed inside.
2. Identity card should be shown at the checkpoint on demand.
3. Sign in the register kept at the checkpoint, while entering the Library.
4. Visitors should obtained prior permission from the authorities before utilizing the resources.
5. Decency and Decorum Should be maintained in the Library.
6. Members are free to browse through the books. Books taken out of the shelves must be left on a table. Replacing the books on shelves is not encouraged as it may be misplaced. Misplaced book is a lost book.
7. Readers shouldn’t mark, underline, write tear pages or damages the books
8. Show the documents, which are being taken out of the Library, to the staff at the checkpoint.
9. Books lost by the Borrowers have to be reported immediately in writing to the Librarian, failing which fines will keep on accumulating. PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR WAIVER OF FINES. Replace the book within the time permitted.
10. Each borrower is responsible for the book issued on that card, Hence borrowers are requested not to exchange the books with others.
11. No due certificate will be issued at the end of every semester.
12. Change of Department, Status, and Address etc., to be informed immediately.
13. Use the dustbins provided in the reading area and help us to maintain library clean & tidy.
14.Anyone who violates of the rules and regulations of the library would be liable to loss the privilege of the membership.