Computer Science & Engineering(AI & ML)

  • Department
  • Programs Offered
  • Faculty
  • Board of Studies
  • Syllabus
  • Infrastructure
  • Gallery
  • Innovation by the Faculty in Teaching & Learning
  • Faculty Achievements


To be a premier center for imparting Ethical and Innovative Computer Education.


DM1 : Developing core competencies through analytical learning.
DM2 : Creating a quality academic & research environment with relevant IT infrastructure.
DM3 : Promote trainings and various activities towards holistic development.
DM4 : Improve employability and entrepreneurship through collaborations.
DM5 : Provide professional opportunities and societal consciousness.

PEO Statements

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) Graduates of B.Tech in CSE program will be able to
PEO1: Succeed as computer professional in various organisations and in pursing higher education.
PEO2:Exhibit proficiency in programming languages & tools towards applications and continuous learning.
PEO3: Demonstrate professional and ethical values with multidisciplinary teams.


PO1:ENGINEERING KNOWLEDGE:Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO2: PROBLEM ANALYSIS:Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO3: DESIGN/DEVELOPMENT OF SOLUTIONS:Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO4: CONDUCT INVESTIGATIONS OF COMPLEX PROBLEMS:Use researchbased knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5: MODERN TOOL USAGE:Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6: THE ENGINEER AND SOCIETY:Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7: ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY:Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

PO8: ETHICS:Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

PO9: INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM WORK:Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO10: COMMUNICATION:Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, give and receive clear instructions.

PO11: PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND FINANCE:Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12: LIFE-LONG LEARNING:Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


Upon completion of the program, students are able to
PSO1: Develop applications with programming and networking.
PSO2: Provide customized solutions using UML & SE.

Intake: 240
Academic Regulations for UG(B.Tech): Scheme-2020 Scheme-2023 ur content here…

Name of the facultyDr.Y.Subba Reddy
DesignationHOD & Professor
QualificationsM.Tech, Ph.D
Research InterestData mining, Recommended Systems and Machine Learning, Data Science
Name of the facultyDr.G.Rama Subba Reddy
QualificationsM.E, Ph.D
Research InterestMachine Learning, Deep Learning, Block Chain Technology
Name of the facultyDr.P.Vara Prasad
DesignationAssociate Professor
QualificationsM.Tech, Ph.D
Research InterestMachine Learning, Deep Learning
Name of the facultyDr.M.V.Subba Reddy
DesignationAssistant Professor
QualificationsM.Tech, Ph.D
Research InterestData Science, Date Mining
Name of the facultyDr.N.Prabakaran
QualificationsM.Tech, Ph.D
Research InterestData Science, Date Mining
Name of the facultyMr.V.K.Sabari Rajan
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestBig Data, AWS, Oracle, GCP
Name of the facultyMr.J.Jagadeswara Reddy
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research Interest
Name of the facultyMrs.I.Sravani
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research Interest Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
Name of the facultyMrs.NagaPrathana Devi
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestMachine Learning, Data Mining
Name of the facultyDr. D S Soundararajan
DesignationAssociate Professor
Research InterestMachine Learning
Name of the facultyMr R.V. Rajagopalan
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestArtificial Intelligence, Data Science
Name of the facultyMr. P.Chandrakanth Reddy
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestMachine Learning
Name of the facultyMr.M. Prathhap
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestArtificial Intelligence
Name of the facultyMr.B. Prathhap
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestArtificial Intelligence
Name of the facultyMr. D.Anosh Hussain
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestMachine Learning , Data Science
Name of the facultyMr. K.Rajesh Kumar Reddy
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestData Science
Name of the facultyMr. C. Subramanyam
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestData Mining
Name of the facultyMr. G. Pavan Kumar
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestData Mining Data Science
Name of the facultyS.DivyaLakshmi
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestData Science
Name of the facultyMr. J. Sunil
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestData Science, Data Mining,Machine Learning
Name of the facultyMr. S.Rajesh
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestData Science, Machine Learning, Data Mining
Name of the facultyMr. S.Naresh
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestMachine Learning, Data Mining
Name of the facultyMr. S.Naresh
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestMachine Learning,Artificial Intelligence
Name of the facultyMr. P.Subbarayudu
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestArtificial Intelligence
Name of the facultyMr.B.Mohan
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestMachine Learning
Name of the facultyMr. P Imran Khan
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestMachine Learning
Name of the facultyMr. Avula Rama Obula Reddy
DesignationAssistant Professor
Research InterestMachine Learning, Artificial Intelligence


Name of the facultyMr.M.G.Sandeep
Research Interest
Name of the facultyMrs.S.Guru Gowri
Research Interest
Name of the facultyMrs.Sireesha
Research Interest
Name of the facultyMr. S.Prashanth
Research Interest

HOD, Chairperson.College1. Dr.Y.Subba Reddy
Faculty Members, SRITCollegeDr.M.V.Subba Reddy
Mr.J.Jagadeeswara Reddy
Mr.V.K.Sabari Rajan
Mrs.M.Nagaprarthana Devi
Two subject experts from outside the parent UniversityOutside (Academic Council)1. Prof.K.Sreenivasa Rao  IIT, Karkapur
2. Prof. R. B. V. Subramaanyam,
NIT Warangal
One expert is to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from a panel of six recommended by the Autonomous College Principal.JNTUA University (Vice-Chancellor)Dr. A. P. Siva Kumar
One representative from industry/corporate sector/allied areas to be nominated by the Principal.Outside (Principal) Associate Manager HCL Technologies LtdMr. K. Dinesh Varma
One member of the College alumni to be nominated by the Principal.Alumni (Principal)Mr. P. Ramprasad
Regd. No.: 198R5A0503
Graduate Engineer Trainee(GET)
Experts from outside the Autonomous college when ever special courses of studies are to be formulated, to be nominated by the principalOutside (Principal)1. D. Vivekananda Reddy
Assoc. Prof. in CSE Dept S.V. University, Tirupati
2. Dr. C. Nagaraju
Prof. in CSE Dept YSR Engineering College of YVU, Proddatur.

Program : B.Tech(CSE)

Syllabus for I B.Tech   :    Scheme-2023

Syllabus for II B.Tech :    Scheme-2023

Syllabus for III & IV B.Tech :    Scheme-2020


Computer Science and Engineering Department helps its students to enrich their abilities by encouraging critical thinking through programming skills. The department has well equipped laboratories to train students in order to advance their theoretical knowledge and sound practices of the profession.

The laboratories are Modernized by adding equipment periodically, to meet the requirements of revised schemes and increased intake. The following are the highlights.

• OS Lab
• DBMS Lab
• Computer Network and Web Technology
• Machine Learning
• Compiler Design Lab
• CNS Lab
• DBMS Lab
• Data Structures Lab
• IT Workshop
• JAVA Program Lab
• Mobile Application Development Lab
• Machine Learning Lab
• Operating System Lab
• Python Lab
• Software Engineering Lab
• Software Testing Methodologies Lab
• Programming for Problem Solving Lab

Department Library

The Department has established its own library in the year 2021 to supplement the Central library, for issue of text and reference books and IS codes to the students. Project work reports are also made available in the Department library for reference by faculty and students.

At present, total No. of books available in the Department library are as follows:
• Text or Reference Books-1556.
• IS codes & IRC codes-10.
• Project work Reports-120.
• Mini Project Work Reports-50.

FDP Attended
Patent Published
Books Published
Papers Published

S. No Name of the Author         Title of patent Application Number Filing Date Publishing Date  

Dr. Y. Subba Reddy   

Mr. J. Jagadeswara Reddy       

Dr. M.V. Subba Reddy                  

Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy

Mr. Sunil Jinkathoti 

Mr.A. Rajasekhar Reddy

 AI-Powered IoT-Based Predictive Analytics for Personalized Medicine and Disease Diagnosis 202441071566 22-09-2024 04-10-2024 Click Here

Dr. G.Ramasubba Reddy

Mr. J. Jagadeswara Reddy   

Dr. Y. Subba Reddy

Dr. M.V. Subba Reddy

Dr. Prabakaran N

Machine Learning-Integrated IoT Solution for Intelligent Traffic Signal Control and Road Safety 202441058614 02-08-2024 09-08-2024 Click Here
3 Dr. G.Ramasubba Reddy Machine Learning-Based Damage Detection and Localization in Buildings using IoT Sensor Networks 202441058296 01-08-2024 09-08-2024 Click Here
4 Dr. G.Ramasubba Reddy

Artificial Intelligence and IoT based Automatic smart Health care system to prevent and

predict the chances of getting chronic gastrointestinal disorders and chronic cancer using Image

processing and Deep Learning Algorithms

202341007098 03-02-2023 24-02-2023 Click Here
5 Dr. Y. Subba Reddy Machine Learning and Embedded Sensor based alive Human Detection. 202341056160 22-08-2022 12-01-2024 Click Here
6 Dr. G.Ramasubba Reddy IoT based Driver Drowsiness Monitoring System by detecting Visual Behavior of human to avoid accidents using Machine Learning algorithm in python” 202241050326 02-09-2022 09-09-2022 Click Here
7 Dr. G.Ramasubba Reddy IoT based Data leakage prevention system for organizations and individuals 202141061247 28-12-2021 07-01-2022 Click Here
8 Dr. G.Ramasubba Reddy Artificial Intelligent and Cloud based Conversational robot for Blind people Assistance 202111054238 24-11-2021 03-12-2021 Click Here
9 Dr. G.Ramasubba Reddy Automatic Network Operation and Management to Improve Network Resource Utilization and Operational Reliability using Machine Learning Algorithms 202141043198 23-09-2021 01-10-2021 Click Here

Year Author Name Title of the Book/Book Chapter Total Books Published  
2024-25 Dr. M.V Subba Reddy Advanced Data Science Techniques with Python and Dask 4 Click Here
Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy

Mr. J. Jagadeswara Reddy

Fundamentals and Future of AI Click Here
Dr. M.V Subba Reddy PHP and Cybersecurity Click Here
Dr. Y. Subba Reddy Data Structures Click Here
2023-24 Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy Fundamentals of Machine Learning & Deep Learning 5 Click Here
Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy Soft Computing Click Here
Dr. Y. Subba Reddy Deep Learning for Autonomous Systems Click Here
Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy

Dr. M.V.Subba Reddy

BOOK:Handbook of Artificial Intelligence and Wearables

Chapter Title: Biosensor Applications in Embedded Wearable Devices

Click Here
Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy BOOK: AI-Driven Intelligent Models for Business Excellence

Chapter Title: Machine Learning-Based Stock Price Prediction for Business Intelligence

Click Here
2022-23 Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy Big Data Analytics 1 Click Here


CAY 2024-25

S. No Name of the Faculty Title Name of the Journal/Confere nce /Event /Publisher Volume/ Issue/Journals/ conference Month – Year  
1.     Dr.G Ramasubba Reddy

Dr.Y.Subba Reddy

J Jagadeswara Reddy

Automated Tuberculosis Detection from Chest X-Rays Using a ResNet50 Architecture Mile stone Transactions on Medical Technologies Volume 03,Issue 01

Electronic ISSN: 2584-072X

Feb 2025 Click Here
2.    G Ramasubba Reddy

J Jagadeswara Reddy

M V Subba Reddy

I Sravani

V Kishen Ajay Kumar

Enhancing Stress Detection Employing Physiological Signals from the WESAD Dataset: A Machine Learning Approach with SMOTE Mile stone Transactions on Medical Technologies Volume 02,Issue 02

Electronic ISSN: 2584-072X

Dec 2024 Click Here
3.    Dr. Y. Subba Reddy Integrating IoMT and Block chain in Smart Healthcare: Challenges and Solutions Journal of Machine and Computing (2024)(scopus) ISSN: 2788–7669   Click Here
4.    Dr. Prabakaran N

Mr. Sabari Rajan V. K.

Performance Analysis using SCH Filter on Alzheimer’s Disease using Machine Learning Algorithm International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research ISSN:2319-8656 2024 Click Here
5.     Mrs. I. Sravani                              Dr. M.V. Subba reddy               

Mrs. M. Nagaprarthana Devi
Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy     

Malicious Website Prediction Using Machine Learning Methodologies REST Journal on Data Analytics and Artificial
ISSN: 2583-5564 Sep-24 Click Here
6.    Mr. J. Jagadeswara Reddy An Artificial Intelligence Architectural Modeal designed to Detect Alzheimer’s Related Brain Tumors Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR) issn:2349-5162 Jun-24 Click Here
7.   Mr. J. Jagadeswara Reddy Forestallment of SQL Injection INE-COMMERCE Journal of XI’AN UNIVERSITY of ARCHITECTUTE& Technology(Scopus) 2024 Click Here

Academic Year: 2023-24

S. No Name of the Faculty Title Name of the Journal/Confere nce /Event /Publisher Volume/ Issue/Journals/ conference Month – Year  
1 Mrs. I. Sravani Smart Traffic Surveillance: Identifying Helmet-Less Riders and License Plate Recognition with YOLO and OCR Integration using Deep Learning International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) ISSN: 2582-3930/ Volume: 08 Issue: 04 April – 2024 Click Here
2 Dr. Y. Subba Reddy DeepSegNet: An Innovative Framework for Accurate Blood Cell Image Segmentation International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication(Scopus) ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 11 Issue: 9  September 2023 Click Here
3 Dr. Prabakaran N


An Alzheimer’s Disease Image Feature Extraction and Different Classification in Machine Learning Algorithm Indian Journal of Computer Science and Technology ISSN No: 2583-5300  (May-August 2024) Click Here
4 Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy Gas Cylinder Leakage Detection, Weight Checking & Automatic Cylinder Booking System over IOT Journal of Coastal of life Medicine(WoS) 2309 6152,2023(WoS)

Nov 2023 Click Here

Academic Year: 2022-23

S. No Name of the Faculty Title Name of the Journal/Confere nce /Event /Publisher Volume/ Issue/Journals/ conference Month – Year  
1 Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy                        

Dr. M. V. Subba Reddy

Emotion Detection from Text and Analysis of Future Work: A Survey Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior 2037-4445(WoS). May-23 Click Here
2 Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy                        

Mrs. M. Nagaprarthana Devi          

Paper Published “Monitoring System for the benefit of Agriculture using AI Automation Using IoT and Deep Learning” Industrial Engineering Journal(WoS) 0970-2555(UGC) Oct-22 Click Here
3 Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy                            Mr. J.Jagadeswara Reddy AI-Based Approach for Identification of Mental Status of an Individual on Social Media Usage addiction Industrial Engineering Journal(WoS) 0970-2555(UGC) Oct-22 Click Here
4 Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy                         Real-Time Conceptual Video Interpretation for Surveillance Systems using Euclidean Norms Journal of Algebraic Statistics(WoS) ISSN: 1309-3452,2022,DOI:  2022 Click Here