Since its inception , Sai Rajeshwari Institute of Technology (SRIT) has been striving to develop itself into an institution of excellence in education and research in consonance with the contemporary and future needs of the society through meaningful education, research and leadership in technological innovation for the industrial growth of the country. With the path-breaking innovations in both its curriculum and research, the institute is rapidly gaining a good reputation among the institutions in Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh. The research philosophy has progressed from inter-department collaboration, to inter –institutional partnerships at national and international levels. The scope and scale of research has substantially evolved from the era of student project dissertations at UG and PG level,Ph.D. theses of research scholars and to funded projects.
Vision: To achieve excellence in research and create an outstanding environment of research support for faculty members, broadly enabling scientific advancements in dealing the locally relevant problems and find suitable technical solutions.
To enhance the research capabilities of the institution and foster innovation, a Research and Development (R&D) Committee has been formed as per the following details. R&D Meeting is conducted yearly four times or above as per requirements:
S .No | Name of the Member | Designation | Role in R&D Committee |
1. | Dr. Pandurangan Ravi | Principal | Chairperson |
2. | Dr. A. Venkateswar Reddy | Vice- Principal | Co-Chairperson |
3. | Dr. B Raghunath Reddy | Dean R&D | Research Coordinator |
4. | Mr.C. Chinna Suresh Babu | HOD-CE | Faculty Member |
5. | Dr B Narayana Reddy | HOD-ME | Faculty Member |
6. | Dr D. Siva | HOD-ECE | Faculty Member |
7. | Dr Y. Subba Reddy | HOD-CSE | Faculty Member |
8. | Mr.A .Rajesekhar Reddy- | HOD-H&S | Faculty Member |
9. | Dr P. Shabanabi | HOD-MBA | Faculty Member |
10. | Dr Y Sudharsan Reddy | Assoc.Prof-CE | Faculty Member |
11. | Mr C Chandra Sekhar | Assist. Prof-ME | Faculty Member |
12 | Mr.R.V Manoj | Assist. Prof-EEE | Faculty Member |
13. | Mr.D.Nagaraju | Assist .Prof-ECE | Faculty Member |
14. | Mrs. Jovia Nasren | Assist. Prof-H&S | Faculty Member |
15. | Mr. Safraj Nawaz | Assist. Prof-NBA | Faculty Member |
16. | Dr G. Ramasubba Reddy | Prof-CSE | Faculty Member |
17 | Dr M.V Subbareddy | Prof-CSE | Faculty Member |
Dr,BOREDDY RAGHUNATH REDDY M.Tech, Ph.D (Geotech & Structural Engg)
Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department of the teacher | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISSN number | Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal | ||
Link to website of the Journal | Link to article/paper /abstract of the article | Is it listed in UGC Care list | ||||||
Land use & land cover dynamics and its relationship with nitrate pollution in groundwater around inactive mine areas using geospatial techniques, SW part of Cuddapah basin, Southern India | Y. Sudharshan Reddy | CIVIL | Chemosphere(ELSEVEIR) | 2024 | ISSN:0045-6535 | | | YES |
Investigation And study Of Rigid Pavements | B Raghunathreddy | CIVIL | Journal of XI’AN UNIVERSITY of ARCHITECTUTE& Technology(Scopus) | 2024 | ISSN:10006-7930 | | | YES |
Investigation And study Of Rigid Pavements | C Chinna suresh Babu | CIVIL | Journal of XI’AN UNIVERSITY of ARCHITECTUTE& Technology(Scopus) | 2024 | ISSN:10006-7930 | | | YES |
Investigation And study Of Rigid Pavements | K Balanagaiah | CIVIL | Journal of XI’AN UNIVERSITY of ARCHITECTUTE& Technology(Scopus) | 2024 | ISSN:10006-7930 | | | YES |
Investigation And study Of Rigid Pavements | P Sudheer kumar | CIVIL | Journal of XI’AN UNIVERSITY of ARCHITECTUTE& Technology(Scopus) | 2024 | ISSN:10006-7930 | | | YES |
Thermodynamic of binary mixtures | A Rajasekar reddy | H&S | Journal of XI’AN UNIVERSITY of ARCHITECTUTE& Technology(Scopus) | 2024 | ISSN:10006-7930 | | | YES |
Thermodynamic of binary mixtures | a Mabu Shareef | H&S | ||||||
Comparative experimental studies on Effect of Laser Beam Machining process parameters on AISI 4130, AISI310 and AISI 316 Steels | Dr. B. Narayana Reddy | Mech | IJAEAST | 2024 | ISSN:2583-7346 | | | YES |
Integrating IoMT and Block chain in Smart Healthcare: Challenges and Solutions | Dr.Y.Subba Reddy | CSE | Journal of Machine and Computing | 2024 | ISSN: 2788–7669 | | | YES |
Performance Analysis using SCH Filter on Alzheimer’s Disease using Machine Learning Algorithm | Dr. Prabakaran N | CSE | International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research | 2024 | ISSN:2319-8656 | | | YES |
Performance Analysis using SCH Filter on Alzheimer’s Disease using Machine Learning Algorithm | Mr. Sabari Rajan V. K. | CSE | International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research | 2024 | ISSN:2319-8656 | | | YES |
Malicious Website Prediction Using Machine Learning Methodologies | Mrs. I. Sravani | CSE | REST Journal on Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence | 2024 | ISSN: 2583-5564 | | | YES |
A study on Prediction of Stock Market Prices Using SVM Machine Learning Technique | Dr.P. VaraPrasad, | CSE | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) | 2024 | ISSN: 2395-0056 | | | YES |
Malicious Website Prediction Using Machine Learning Methodologies | Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy | CSE | REST Journal on Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence | 2024 | ISSN: 2583-5564 | | | YES |
Malicious Website Prediction Using Machine Learning Methodologies | Dr. M.V. Subba reddy | CSE | REST Journal on Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence | 2024 | ISSN: 2583-5564 | | | YES |
Malicious Website Prediction Using Machine Learning Methodologies | Mrs. M. Nagaprarthana Devi | CSE | REST Journal on Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence | 2024 | ISSN: 2583-5564 | | | YES |
Forestallment of SQL Injection INE-COMMERCE | Dr Pandurangan Ravi | CSE | Journal of XI’AN UNIVERSITY of ARCHITECTUTE& Technology(Scopus) | 2024 | ISSN:10006-7930 | | | YES |
Forestallment of SQL Injection INE-COMMERCE | Mr. J. Jagadeswara Reddy | CSE | Journal of XI’AN UNIVERSITY of ARCHITECTUTE& Technology(Scopus) | 2024 | ISSN:10006-7930 | | | YES |
An Artificial Intelligence Architectural Modeal designed to Detect Alzheimer’s Related Brain Tumors | Mr. J. Jagadeswara Reddy | CSE | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR) | 2024 | ISSN:2349-5162 | | | YES |
An Alzheimer’s Disease Image Feature Extraction and Different Classification in Machine Learning Algorithm | Dr. Prabakaran N | CSE | Indian Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 2024 | ISSN No: 2583-5300 | | | YES |
Deep learning driven heart disease prediction using ECG signal classification | Dr.D.Siva | ECE | Panamerican mathematical journal | 2024 | ISSN:1064- 9735, | | | YES |
Advanced Railway track fault detection and reporting over IOT | Dr.V.Ramesh | ECE | Science,technology and development | 2024 | ISSN: 0950-0707 | | | YES |
Auditorium monitoring system using bi-directional visitor count | Dr.V.Ramesh | ECE | Journal of Engineering,computing & Architecture | 2024 | ISSN:1934-7197 | | | YES |
ATM Crime prevention using wireless sensors | D.Nagaraju | ECE | International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and management (IJSREM) | 2024 | ISSN:2582-3930 | | | YES |
Optimizing Power Quality in Electric Vehicles with AI-Driven Series Active Filters | Dr.A.Venkateswara Reddy , K Siva Prasad, V Rama Mohan | EEE | Power System Technology | 2024 | ISSN:1000-3673 | | | YES |
Energy Efficient Smart Monitoring System for Thermoelectric Infant Incubator | Dr.A.Venkateswara Reddy , K Siva Prasad, V Rama Mohan | EEE | Power System Technology | 2024 | ISSN:1000-3673 | | | YES |
Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department of the teacher | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISSN number | Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal | ||
Link to website of the Journal | Link to article/paper /abstract of the article | Is it listed in UGC Care list | ||||||
Experimental Analysis on Strength Performance of Coarse Aggregate Concrete by partially replacing of Tiles waste | B Raghunathreddy | CIVIL | Journal of engineering, computing and architecture | 2023 | ISSN 1934-7197 | | | YES |
Experimental Analysis on Strength Performance of Coarse Aggregate Concrete by partially replacing of Tiles waste | C Chinna suresh Babu | CIVIL | Journal of engineering, computing and architecture | 2023 | ISSN 1934-7197 | | | YES |
Experimental Analysis on Strength Performance of Coarse Aggregate Concrete by partially replacing of Tiles waste | P Sudheer kumar | CIVIL | Journal of engineering, computing and architecture | 2023 | ISSN 1934-7197 | | | YES |
Experimental Analysis on Strength Performance of Coarse Aggregate Concrete by partially replacing of Tiles waste | Dr Y Sudharsan Reddy | CIVIL | Journal of engineering, computing and architecture | 2023 | ISSN 1934-7197 | | | YES |
Studies on Effect of Wire EDM Process Parameters on Machining Characteristics of Inconel 825 Plate | Dr. B. Narayana Reddy | Mech | Materials Today: Proceedings | 2023 | ISSN:2214-7853 | | | YES |
Experimental study of Laser Beam Welded Joints of AISI 304 and AISI 4130 Steels | Dr. B. Narayana Reddy | Mech | Advances in Additive Manufacturing and Metal Joining, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering | 2023 | | | YES | |
Investigations of the combustion of diesel engine with anodizing of piston crown | Dr. Avvaru Renuka Prasad | Mech | Materials Today: Proceedings | 2023 | ISSN:2214-7853 | | | YES |
Performance evaluation of diesel engine with electroless nickel plating on piston skirt | Dr. Avvaru Renuka Prasad | Mech | Materials Today: Proceedings | 2023 | | | YES | |
DeepSegNet: An Innovative Framework for Accurate Blood Cell Image Segmentation | Dr. Y. Subba Reddy | CSE | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication(Scopus) | 2023 | ISSN: 2321-8169 | | | YES |
Gas Cylinder Leakage Detection, Weight Checking & Automatic Cylinder Booking System over IOT | Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy | CSE | Journal of Coastal of life Medicine(WoS) | 2023 | ISSN:2309-6152 | |;_ylu=Y29sbwMEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1741011294/RO=10/ | YES |
Monitoring System for the benefit of Agriculture using AI Automation Using IoT and Deep Learning | Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy | CSE | Industrial Engineering Journal(WoS) | 2023 | 0970-2555(UGC) | | | YES |
Monitoring System for the benefit of Agriculture using AI Automation Using IoT and Deep Learning | Mrs. M. Nagaprarthana Devi | CSE | Industrial Engineering Journal(WoS) | 2023 | 0970-2555(UGC) | | | YES |
Assessment of Heavy metal pollution and its health implications in groundwater for drinking purpose around inactive mines, SW region of Cuddapah Basin, South India | Y. Sudharshan Reddy | CIVIL | Total Environment Research Themes(ELSEVEIR) | 2023 | 2772-8099 | | | YES |
Hydrogeochemical Investigation and Groundwater Quality Assessment in Patancheruvu Area Sangareddy District, South India | Dr M.J Sukesh | CIVIL | ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY | 2023 | ISSN 2719-7050 | | | YES |
Hydrogeochemical Investigation and Groundwater Quality Assessment in Patancheruvu Area Sangareddy District, South India | B Raghunathreddy | CIVIL | ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY | 2023 | ISSN 2719-7050 | | | YES |
Hydrogeochemical Investigation and Groundwater Quality Assessment in Patancheruvu Area Sangareddy District, South India | C Chinna suresh Babu | CIVIL | ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY | 2023 | ISSN 2719-7050 | | | YES |
Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department of the teacher | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISSN number | Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal | ||
Link to website of the Journal | Link to article/paper /abstract of the article | Is it listed in UGC Care list | ||||||
AI-Based Approach for Identification of Mental Status of an Individual on Social Media Usage addiction | Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy | CSE | Industrial Engineering Journal(WoS) | 2022 | ISSN:0970-2555 | | | YES |
AI-Based Approach for Identification of Mental Status of an Individual on Social Media Usage addiction | Mr. J.Jagadeswara Reddy | CSE | Industrial Engineering Journal(WoS) | 2022 | ISSN:0970-2555 | | | YES |
Real-Time Conceptual Video Interpretation for Surveillance Systems using Euclidean Norms | Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy | CSE | Journal of Algebraic Statistics(WoS) | 2022 | ISSN: 1309-3452 | | | YES |
Fine-tuned convolutional neural network for different cardiac view classification | Dr.D.Siva | ECE | The Journal of supercomputing | 2022 | | | | YES |
Design of ultra low power DET flip-flop with power gating technique | Dr.A.Venkateswara Reddy | EEE | Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications | 2022 | E-ISSN : 2984-7869 | | | YES |
Design of ultra low power DET flip-flop with power gating technique | RV Manoj | EEE | Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications | 2022 | E-ISSN : 2984-7869 | | | YES |
Design of ultra low power DET flip-flop with power gating technique | K Siva Prasad | EEE | Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications | 2022 | E-ISSN : 2984-7869 | | | YES |
State Feedback Controller Design via an Algebraic Approach for Damping Enhancement in a Large Interconnected Electric Power System | Dr.A.Venkateswara Reddy | EEE | International conference on Circuits, Control, Communication and Computing | 2022 | ISSN: 2381-4128 | | | YES |
Underground Cable Fault Detection using IOT | Dr.A.Venkateswara Reddy | EEE | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) | 2022 | ISSN:2278-0181 | | | YES |
Underground Cable Fault Detection using IOT | RV Manoj | EEE | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) | 2022 | ISSN:2278-0181 | | | YES |
An analytical approach for LQR design for improving damping performance of multi-machine power system | Dr.A.Venkateswara Reddy | EEE | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 2022 | ISSN: 2502-4752 | | | YES |
Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department of the teacher | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISSN number | Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal | ||
Link to website of the Journal | Link to article/paper /abstract of the article | Is it listed in UGC Care list | ||||||
An analytical approach for LQR design for improving damping performance of multi-machine power system | Dr.A.Venkateswara Reddy | EEE | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 2021 | ISSN: 2502-4752 | › index › IJEECS | › index › IJEECS | YES |
Analysis of multi story building considering wind effects | K. Jagan Moan Reddy | civil | ENETM | 2021 | ISSN:2583-2131 | | | YES |
Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department of the teacher | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISSN number | Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal | ||
Link to website of the Journal | Link to article/paper /abstract of the article | Is it listed in UGC Care list | ||||||
Stability Improvement in a Distributed Generators using Virtual Synchronous Generator | R. Venkata Manoj | EEE | solidstatetechnology | 2021 | E-ISSN : 2984-7869 | https://solidstatetechnology | | YES |
R&D Incentive Policy
Incentive for publications
Faculty members are encouraged to publish their research work in reputed journals. Incentive will be paid to the faculty members for publishing in SCI/Scopus/UGC listed journals. The 1st author necessarily be from SRIT to claim the incentive. The details of incentive is as follows.
Type of Journal | Incentive amount offered (Rs/-) |
SCI Journal | 7,500 |
SCOPUS Journal | 5, 500 |
UGC Journal | 2,500 |
The above incentive will be paid for a maximum of two publications to a faculty member in an academic year (July to June).
Faculty members are encouraged to present their research works in National or International Conference hosted by IISc /IITs// NITs/ Central Universities/State Universities/CSIR/ other reputed
organisations with On-Duty. The 1st author necessarily be from SRIT and it can be availed for only once in an academic year by a faculty member (June – July).
Faculty members are encouraged to undertake externally funded research projects. Incentive will be paid to the faculty members for research projects with external funding in an amount equal to 10% of the total non-recurring grant. This incentive will be paid in after receipt of grants to the Institute. Since the amount being released in phases, the incentive(s) paid is also proportional to the amount received by the Institute. The incentive amount is divided equally among the members, if more than one faculty of SRIT are involved.
Faculty members are encouraged to organize Conferences / Seminars / Workshops / Symposia. Incentive will be paid to the faculty members for Organizing Conferences / Seminars / Workshops / Symposia with external funding in an amount equal to 10% of the total grant subjected to the approval of The Principal. This incentive will be paid in after the completion of Conferences / Seminars / Workshops / Symposia. The incentive amount is divided equally among the members, if more than one faculty are involved.
Faculty members are encouraged to undertake consultancy projects from Industry. If any consultancy project is carried at institute, the members involved in consultancy project will take 10% of the total net amount so received by the Institution and 90% will go to the Institute. If there are more than one person involved in the consultancy project, the amount will be equally distributed.
Faculty members are encouraged to attend Workshops/FDPs having minimum of 05 days duration with On-Duty hosted by IISc /IITs// NITs/ Central Universities/State Universities/CSIR/ other reputed organisations. The incentive of this type can be availed for only once in an academic year by a faculty member (June-July).
Faculty members are encouraged to get patents for the products/processes they have developed. An incentive maximum of Rs.30,000/- for International and maximum of Rs.15,000/- for Indian Patent will be given for successfully granted patent.
Sl. No. | Name of the teacher | Title of the book published | Title of the chapters published | Year of publication | ISBN number | Whether at the time of publication Affiliating Institution was same Yes/No | Name of the publisher |
1 | Dr.D.Siva | Electronic circuit Analysis | Electronic circuit Analysis | 2024 | 9789334168778 | Yes | Sciro international publishers |
2 | Mr.H.Raghunatha rao | Electronic circuit Analysis | Electronic circuit Analysis | 2024 | 9789334168778 | Yes | Sciro international publishers |
3 | Dr.V.Ramesh | Electronic sensors | Electronic sensors | 2024 | 9789334173161 | Yes | Sciro international publishers |
4 | Mr.D.Nagaraju | Electronic sensors | Electronic sensors | 2024 | 9789334173161 | Yes | Sciro international publishers |
5 | Dr. Y. SUBBA REDDY | PHP And Cybersecurity | PHP And Cybersecurity | 2024 | 9788198128331 | Yes | Rest publishers |
6 | Dr.G. RAMASUBBA REDDY | Fundaments and Features of AI | Fundaments and Features of AI | 2024 | 9788198174925 | yes | Rest publishers |
7 | Dr. Y. SUBBA REDDY | Data Structures | Data Structures | 2024 | 9789356255401 | Yes | Scintific Internation publisher |
8 | Dr M.V. Subbareddy | Advanced data since technical with python And Desk | Advanced data since technical with python And Desk | 2024 | 9788198462183 | yes | Rest publishers |
9 | Dr A Venkateswar reddy | Power System Operations and Controls | Power System Operations and Controls | 2024 | 9788196436452 | Yes | Infinite Research |
10 | Dr.G. RAMASUBBA REDDY | AI-Driven Inteligent modelsfor Bussiness excellance | Machin Lerning Based stock price prediction for bussiness intelligence | 2024 | 9781668442470 | yes | IGI Global Publisher |
Sl. No. | Name of the teacher | Title of the book published | Title of the chapters published | Year of publication | ISBN number | Whether at the time of publication Affiliating Institution was same Yes/No | Name of the publisher |
1 | Dr B Raghunathreddy | A Text Book of building information modelling | A Text Book of building information modelling | 2023 | 9789334232790 | Yes | Notion Press |
2 | M Chinna suresh Babu | A Text Book of building information modelling | A Text Book of building information modelling | 2023 | 9789334232790 | Yes | Notion Press |
3 | Dr Y Sudharsan Reddy | Hydrochemical Studies of ground water | Hydrochemical Studies of ground water | 2023 | 9786200504623 | Yes | Lambert Academic Publications |
4 | Dr. Y. SUBBA REDDY | DEEP LEARNING FOR AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS | DEEP LEARNING FOR AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS | 2023 | 9788196758912 | Yes | ino Continental academic publisher |
5 | Dr.G. RAMASUBBA REDDY | Soft Computing | Soft Computing | 2023 | 9788196052492 | Yes | Rest publishers |
Sl. No. | Name of the teacher | Title of the book published | Title of the chapters published | Year of publication | ISBN number | Whether at the time of publication Affiliating Institution was same Yes/No | Name of the publisher |
1 | Dr Y Sudharsan Reddy | Geological devolopment in Anthropocene | health risk Appraisal of Fluoride and nitrate contamination in ground water :a case study from lime stone terrain in South india | 2022 | 9789391355173 | Yes | Excel India Publishers |
2 | Dr.G. RAMASUBBA REDDY | Fundamentals of Machine Learning & Deep Learning | Fundamentals of Machine Learning & Deep Learning | 2022 | 9788198174925 | Yes | Rest publishers |
3 | Dr.G. RAMASUBBA REDDY | BIG DATA ANALYTICS | BIG DATA ANALYTICS | 2022 | 9789356251137 | Yes | Scintific Internation publisher |
Sl. No. | Name of the teacher | Title of the book published | Title of the chapters published | Year of publication | ISBN number | Whether at the time of publication Affiliating Institution was same Yes/No | Name of the publisher |
1 | Dr A . Renuka Prasad | A Text Book of HCCI Engines | A Text Book of HCCI Engines | 2021 | 9789390847303 | Yes | KripaDrishti Publications |